What Is Psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy is the care of the soul in its essence. It is a safe space in which you get to shine a light into your own dark corners or overstuffed closets, as it were, with a trained professional there alongside you, offering support through a variety of 'tools' that you can try out. Spiritual Psychotherapy is a holistic, eclectic approach to seeing you as a spiritual being on human journey, and seeing you as whole, not broken.

Psychotherapy relies on developing a therapeutic relationship between you and the therapist because this is what creates the safe space in which you can explore the various parts of your self and your life.  Psychotherapy is about getting to know yourself more fully in the presense of someone else.  A psychotherapist employs many techniques or 'tools' to help you navigate challenging thoughts, feelings or behaviours.  In the image above, I am facilitaing Havening Techniques, one of the modalities or tools I offer. 

What Does Psychotherapy Do?

Psychotherapy helps you address challenges.

My goal as a psychotherapist, is that you feel seen and heard.  This can sometimes feel raw, especially if you have not felt seen nor heard for much of your life.  And it also can feel incredibly freeing, liberating.  And in this new space, it becomes more possible for you to make sense of things, to feel lighter, to have more resiliance. Psychotherapy allows an individual, family, or couple, children, youth, adults, and elders, to talk openly and confidentially about their concerns and feelings with a trained professional. 

Modalities Used:

The Havening Techniques®

The Havening Techniques®, which utilizes current neuroscience, can help with many issues, including distressing memories, trauma, fear and pain. Havening is a psycho-sensory technique which uses the sensory input of touch, imagination, and attention to create lasting change. 


Connecting into your body to access emotions rather than being too ‘in your head’. This practice helps you become more grounded and anchored in your physical experience and increasingly able to navigate the inevitable emotional ups and downs of life.

Guided Imagery

Accessing through your imagination underlying beliefs, personal myths, subconscious connections and inner truths to guide you along your journey of healing.

Inner Child Work

A metaphor for working with our emotional body, using various tools to access buried emotions and connect with current feelings.

Body Psychotherapy

Body-centered therapy looks at the connection of mind and body and uses both psychotherapy and physical therapies for holistic healing. In addition to talk therapy, somatic therapy practitioners use mind-body exercises and other physical techniques to help release stress affecting your physical and emotional well-being.

Transpersonal psychotherapy

Transpersonal psychotherapy, or spiritual psychotherapy, integrates the spiritual and transcendent aspects of the human experience within the framework of modern psychotherapy.

Sub-Personalities Dialoguing

A powerful and non-judgmental method for guiding people towards a better understanding of their inner urges and motives. Conversation is facilitated with the various sub-personalities of the client, to gain more insight into the various sides and feelings within them. This leads to more self-acceptance, freedom of choice and the expansion of the behavioral repertoire.

Inner Critic Work

Learning to recognize the voice of your inner critic to ease or stop negative self-talk.

Service Fees - Psychotherapy

50 Minute Session | $185 + HST

Psychotherapy is reimbursed by some extended healthcare benefits. Contact your insurance company about your policy. Payment via e-transfer is currently the only offering. 

Limited sliding scale opportunities available. Please inquire.

Initial intake session $200 + HST.

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