If you're new here, I invite you to set up a free 15-minute Intro Phone call to see if we might be a good fit.
sarahangela@sacredpsychotherapy.ca 778-326-0877
I work on the Waiting Room therapy site for my sessions. This is a psychotherapist-owned, resource-filled, calm, on-line space where you can join a video session, jot down points you want to bring up, review your last session summary notes, find a short meditation, or read an inspiring article. Waititng Room also provides me with an AI transcription service to allow of more fulsome and efficient note-taking during our sessions and provides you with a summary and refection questions afterwards.
Check out watitingroomtherapy.co!
* Crucial to know - Waiting Room is a Canadian, PHIPA compliant (Personal Health Information Protection Act, in Ontario), PIPEDA compliant (Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act), and CRPO compliant (College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario) and adheres to Canadian medical health records standards. I would not use this service at all if I did not trust the security and the benefits of using it.However, I will not use this service in sessions with you unless or until you have specifically approved the use of this service.
Your comfort and the confidentiality of your sessions is absolutely my priority.