What Is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual Direction offers clients an opportunity to explore the deepest questions in a person’s life.

Through spiritual direction you explore your relationship with the divine as you seek to learn and grow in your own personal spirituality.  Spiritual Direction is about you coming into a deeper, more authentic relationship with yourself and Divine energy, however you name that energy. 

What Is The Purpose Of Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual Direction helps you examine the great mystery of who you are, your deepest fears or challenges to living the full expression of your essence. Spiritual Direction may help you wrestle with spiritual wounding or experiences with spiritual awakening, spiritual emergencies and the dark night of the soul. Or you may appreciate Spiritual Direction as you simply embrace the realities of living as a modern day mystic.

When you take the risk of exploring these poignant, raw thoughts and feelings, you may find a new aliveness within you and around you, becoming more alert to the subtleties of the divine’s ongoing presence within you. 

Themes You Might Explore

Healing Spiritual Wounding

Sometimes people experience painful religious teachings that have left emotional scars.  At the core of religious teachings there are beautiful truths to guide us and yet these truths can so easily become embellished and warped by individuals caught in their own wounded interpretations.  When that happens those who hear these messages can feel burdened, hurt and shamed.  With compassion, a Spiritual Director can help you unravel your early experiences and teachings so that you can come to a sense of peace around your religious background and feel free and confident in your relationship to the Divine and Spirit in whatever way works for you now.  This may mean re-embracing your early faith or finding a new way to articulate your connection with the Divine. 

Mystical Theology & Modern Mysticism

The study and practice of mystical experiences brought about during altered states of consciousness, along with any ideologies, ethics, rites, myths, legends, and magic that may be related to them.

Contemporary Spirituality

Contemporary Spirituality emerges from diverse traditions, and is centrally concerned with individual spiritual experience as the starting point for exploration and development. Its values and beliefs are holistic, recognising the intimate interdependence of all life.

Death & Dying

An exploration of your fears around death and dying, and their connection to the extent to which you live life fully and consciously.  

Earth-Based Spirituality

Earth-based spirituality is a spiritual and religious worldview that puts the Mother Earth (Gaia) at the center of the spiritual practice.

Spiritual Journeys

Journeying like meditation is a tool for spiritual growth. It is also a tool that can be used for healing, to obtain information, and in working through psychological issues. When someone goes on a journey they are able to communicate on a spiritual level.

Spiritual Emergence & Emergency

Spiritual Emergence is the awakening of the spiritual potential within an individual that initiates the unfolding and expansion of that individual’s way of being. Contrasted with the experience of a Spiritual Emergency – critical and experientially difficult stages of a profound psychological transformation that involves one’s entire being, that often takes the form of non ordinary states of consciousness and involve intense emotions, visions and other sensory changes, and unusual thoughts, as well as various physical manifestations. 

Dark Night of the Soul

The dark night of the soul is a stage in personal development when a person undergoes a difficult and significant transition to a deeper perception of life and their place in it. This enhanced awareness is accompanied by a painful shedding of previous conceptual frameworks such as an identity, relationship, career, habit or belief system that previously allowed them to construct meaning in their life.

Service Fees - Spiritual Direction

50 Minute Session | $130 + HST

Payment options at this time are limited to E-transfer.

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